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Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi

Year 2020, , 167 - 194, 15.05.2020


Çalışmanın amacı, kurum yöneticilerinin yıllık raporlar kapsamında yer alan mektuplarını incelemek ve bu mektuplardaki halkla ilişkiler anlatısının nasıl yapılandırıldığını değerlendirmektir. Bu kapsamda, 2018 yılında Brand Finance tarafından yapılan araştırma sonucunda belirlenen Türkiye’nin En Değerli Markaları Raporu’nda ilk 12 içerisinde yer alan Arçelik, Garanti Bankası, Migros ve Turkcell’in 2018 yıllık faaliyet raporlarında yer alan genel müdür/CEO mesajı bölümleri analiz birimi olarak seçilerek söylem analizi ile incelenmiştir. CEO mektuplarında en sık işlenen temaların sırasıyla “çevresel faktörler”, “sosyal sorumluluk”, “finansal raporlama”, “ödüller/başarılar”, “altyapı ve büyüme” ile “pazarlama karması” olduğu görülmüştür. Beyanlar topluluğu olan CEO mektuplarının, söylem analizi çerçevesinde dil ve bağlam arasındaki ilişkiyi “birinci çoğul şahıs” (biz) üzerinden kurduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. CEO’lar tarafından “çevresel faktörler” teması altında küresel gelişmelerin yakından izlendiği, kurumsal yaşamın başarılar/ödüller üzerinden aktarıldığı belirlenmiştir. CEO mektuplarında kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk temasının genellikle son bölümde sponsorluklar, kamu faydası ve girişimcilik kodlarında oluştuğu, geçmişe ve şimdiki zamana ait cümlelerin belirgin bir şekilde çoğunlukta olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Amernic, Joel, H. ve Russell Craig. 2006. CEO-Speak: The Language of Corporate Leadership. Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
  • Amernic, Joel, H. ve Russell Craig. 2007. “Guidelines for CEO-Speak: Editing the Language of Corporate Leadership.” Strategy & Leadership, 35 (3): 25-31.
  • Amernic, Joel, H., Russell Craig ve Dennis Tourish. 2010. Measuring and Assessing Tone at the Top Using Annual Report CEO Letters. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
  • Argenti, Paul, A. ve Janis Forman 2002. The Power of Corporate Communication: Crafting the Voice and Image of Your Business. New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Bhuyan, Rupaleem. 2008. “The Production of the “Battered Immigrant” in Public Policy and Domestic Violence Advocacy.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23 (2): 153-170.
  • Boesso, Giacomo ve Kamalesh Kumar. 2007. “Drivers of Corporate Voluntary Disclosure: A Framework and Empirical Evidence from Italy and the United States.” Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 20 (2): 269-296.
  • Bournois, Frank ve Sébastien Point. 2006. “A Letter From the President: Seduction, Charm and Obfuscation in French CEO Letters.” Journal of Business Strategy, 27 (6): 46-55.
  • Cederström, Carl ve Andre Spicer. 2014. “Discourse of the Real Kind: A Post-Foundational Approach to Organizational Discourse Analysis.” Organization, 21 (2): 178-205.
  • Clatworthy, Mark, A. ve Michael J. Jones. 2006. “Differential Patterns of Textual Characteristics and Company Performance in the Chairman’s Statement.” Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 19 (4): 493-511.
  • Conaway, Roger, N. ve William J. Wardrope. 2010. “Do Their Words Really Matter? Thematic Analysis of US and Latin American CEO Letters.” The Journal of Business Communication, 47 (2): 141-168.
  • Cong, Yu, Freedman, Martin ve Jin D. Park. 2014. “Tone at the Top: CEO Environmental Rhetoric and Environmental Performance.” Advances in Accounting, 30 (2): 322-327.
  • Coombs, W. Timothy ve Sherry J. Holladay. 2012. Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication Approach. West Sussex, İngiltere: Wiley-Blackwell. Courtright, Jeffrey. L. ve Peter M. Smudde. 2009. “Leveraging Organizational Innovation for Strategic Reputation Management.” Corporate Reputation Review, 12 (3): 245-269.
  • Craig, Russell ve Joel, H. Amernic. 2018. “Are There Language Markers of Hubris in CEO Letters to Shareholders?.” Journal of Business Ethics, 149 (4): 973-986.
  • Dolphin, Richard, R. (2004). “The Strategic Role of Investor Relations.” Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 9 (1): 25-42.
  • Fairclough, Norman. 2001a. “Critical Discourse Analysis as a Method in Social Scientific Research.” Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis içinde, editörler R. Wodak ve M. Meyer, 121-138. Londra: Sage.
  • Fairclough, Norman. 2001b. Language and Power. Londra ve New York: Longman Group. Geppert, John ve Janice E. Lawrence. 2008. “Predicting Firm Reputation Through Content Analysis of Shareholders’ Letter.” Corporate Reputation Review, 11 (4): 285-307.
  • Grant, David, Tom Keenoy ve Cliff Oswick. 2001. “Organizational discourse: Key contributions and challenges.” International Studies of Management and Organization, 31 (3): 6–24.
  • Gregory, Anne ve Paul Willis. 2013. Strategic Public Relations Leadership. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
  • Grunig, James E. ve Larissa A. Grunig. 2013. “The Relationship Between Public Relations and Marketing in Excellent Organizations: Evidence From The IABC Study.” Public Relations and Communication Management: Current Trends and Emerging Topics içinde, editörler K. Sriramesh, A, Zerfass ve J. N. Kim, 53-78. New York: Routledge.
  • Hardy, Cynthia. 2001. “Researching Organizational Discourse.” International Studies of Management & Organization, 31 (3): 25-47.
  • Hawkins, Benjamin. 2012. “Nation, Separation and Threat: An Analysis of British Media Discourses on the European Union Treaty Reform Process.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 50 (4): 561-577.
  • Heracleous, Loizos. 2006. “A Tale of Three Discourses: The Dominant, the Strategic and the Marginalized.” Journal of Management Studies, 43 (5): 1059-1087.
  • Hyland, Ken. 1998. “Exploring Corporate Rhetoric: Metadiscourse in the CEO’s Letter.” The Journal of Business Communication, 35: 224-245.
  • Illie, Cornelia. 2017. “Leaders in Times of Change: Stereotypes and Counter-Stereotypes of Leadership Discourse.” Challenging Leadership Stereotypes Through Discourse: Power, Management and Gender içinde, editörler C. Illie ve S. Schnurr, 69-94. Berlin: Springer.
  • Jonäll, Kritina ve Gunnar Rimmel. 2010. “CEO Letters as Legitimacy Builders: Coupling Text to Numbers.” Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 14 (4): 307-328.
  • Kitchen, Philip, J. ve Don E. Schultz. 2001. Raising the Corporate Umbrella: Corporate Communications in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Palgrave.
  • Mäkelä, Hannele ve Matias Laine. 2011. “A CEO with many messages: Comparing the ideological representations provided by different corporate reports.” Accounting Forum, 35 (4): 217-231.
  • Merkl-Davies, Dorias, M. ve Niamh M. Brennan. 2011. “A Conceptual Framework of Impression Management: New Insights From Psychology, Sociology and Critical Perspectives.” Accounting and Business Research, 41 (5): 415-437.
  • Merkl-Davies, Dorias, Niamh M. Brennan ve Petros Vourvachis. 2011. “Text Analysis Methodologies in Corporate Narrative Reporting Research”, 23. CSEAR Uluslararası Sosyal ve Çevresel Muhasebe Araştırmaları Kongresi bildirisi, St. Andrews, 7-9 Eylül.
  • Ngai, Cindy. S. B. ve Rita Gill Singh. 2014. “Communication with Stakeholders Through Corporate Web Sites: An Exploratory Study on the CEO Messages of Major Corporations in Greater China.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 28 (3): 352-394.
  • Paetzold, Kolja. 2010. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): An International Marketing Approach. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.
  • Paltridge, Brian. 2012. Discourse Analysis: An Introduction. New York, NY: Bloomsbury.
  • Patelli, Lorenzo ve Matteo Pedrini. 2015. Is Tone at the Top Associated with Financial Reporting Aggressiveness?. Journal of Business Ethics, 126 (1): 3-19.
  • Penrose, John, M. 2008. “Introduction to the business communication of corporate reporting.” Journal of Business Communication, 45: 91-93.
  • Point, Sebastien. 2010. “A User’s Guide for Interpreting the CEO Letter to Shareholders.” Handbook of Top Management Teams içinde, editörler F. Bournois, J. Duval-Hamel, S. Roussillon ve J.L. Scaringella, 663-673. Londra: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Prasad, Anshuman ve Raza Mir. 2002. “Digging Deep for Meaning: A Critical Hermeneutic Analysis of CEO Letters to Shareholders in the Oil Industry.” The Journal of Business Communication, 39 (1): 92-116.
  • Segars, Albert. H. ve Gary F. Kohut. 2001. “Strategic Communication Through the World Wide Web: An Empirical Model of Effectiveness in the CEO’s Letter to Shareholders.” Journal of Management Studies, 38 (4): 535-556.
  • Spicer, André ve Graham Sewell. 2010. “From National Service to Global Player: Transforming the Organizational Logic of a Public Broadcaster.” Journal of Management Studies, 47 (6): 913-943.
  • Starks, Helene ve Susan Brown Trinidad. 2007. “Choose Your Method: A Comparison of Phenomenology, Discourse Analysis, and Grounded Theory.” Qualitative Health Research, 17 (10): 1372-1380.
  • Theaker, Alison ve Heather Yaxley. 2013. The Public Relations Strategic Toolkit: An Essential Guide to Successful Public Relations Practice. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
  • Treadwell, Donald ve Jill B. Treadwell. 2004. Public Relations Writing: Principles in Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Willig, Carla. 2001. Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology. Buckingham ve Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press.
  • Yuthas, Kristi, Rodney Rogers ve Jesse F. Dillard. 2002. “Communicative Action and Corporate Annual Reports.” Journal of Business Ethics, 41 (1-2): 141-157.
  • Arçelik 2018 Faaliyet Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
  • Brand Finance. 2018. Türkiye’nin En Değerli Markalarının Yıllık Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
  • Garanti Bankası 2018 Entegre Faaliyet Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
  • Migros 2018 Faaliyet Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
  • Turkcell 2018 Faaliyet Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
Year 2020, , 167 - 194, 15.05.2020



  • Amernic, Joel, H. ve Russell Craig. 2006. CEO-Speak: The Language of Corporate Leadership. Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
  • Amernic, Joel, H. ve Russell Craig. 2007. “Guidelines for CEO-Speak: Editing the Language of Corporate Leadership.” Strategy & Leadership, 35 (3): 25-31.
  • Amernic, Joel, H., Russell Craig ve Dennis Tourish. 2010. Measuring and Assessing Tone at the Top Using Annual Report CEO Letters. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
  • Argenti, Paul, A. ve Janis Forman 2002. The Power of Corporate Communication: Crafting the Voice and Image of Your Business. New York: McGraw Hill.
  • Bhuyan, Rupaleem. 2008. “The Production of the “Battered Immigrant” in Public Policy and Domestic Violence Advocacy.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23 (2): 153-170.
  • Boesso, Giacomo ve Kamalesh Kumar. 2007. “Drivers of Corporate Voluntary Disclosure: A Framework and Empirical Evidence from Italy and the United States.” Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 20 (2): 269-296.
  • Bournois, Frank ve Sébastien Point. 2006. “A Letter From the President: Seduction, Charm and Obfuscation in French CEO Letters.” Journal of Business Strategy, 27 (6): 46-55.
  • Cederström, Carl ve Andre Spicer. 2014. “Discourse of the Real Kind: A Post-Foundational Approach to Organizational Discourse Analysis.” Organization, 21 (2): 178-205.
  • Clatworthy, Mark, A. ve Michael J. Jones. 2006. “Differential Patterns of Textual Characteristics and Company Performance in the Chairman’s Statement.” Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 19 (4): 493-511.
  • Conaway, Roger, N. ve William J. Wardrope. 2010. “Do Their Words Really Matter? Thematic Analysis of US and Latin American CEO Letters.” The Journal of Business Communication, 47 (2): 141-168.
  • Cong, Yu, Freedman, Martin ve Jin D. Park. 2014. “Tone at the Top: CEO Environmental Rhetoric and Environmental Performance.” Advances in Accounting, 30 (2): 322-327.
  • Coombs, W. Timothy ve Sherry J. Holladay. 2012. Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication Approach. West Sussex, İngiltere: Wiley-Blackwell. Courtright, Jeffrey. L. ve Peter M. Smudde. 2009. “Leveraging Organizational Innovation for Strategic Reputation Management.” Corporate Reputation Review, 12 (3): 245-269.
  • Craig, Russell ve Joel, H. Amernic. 2018. “Are There Language Markers of Hubris in CEO Letters to Shareholders?.” Journal of Business Ethics, 149 (4): 973-986.
  • Dolphin, Richard, R. (2004). “The Strategic Role of Investor Relations.” Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 9 (1): 25-42.
  • Fairclough, Norman. 2001a. “Critical Discourse Analysis as a Method in Social Scientific Research.” Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis içinde, editörler R. Wodak ve M. Meyer, 121-138. Londra: Sage.
  • Fairclough, Norman. 2001b. Language and Power. Londra ve New York: Longman Group. Geppert, John ve Janice E. Lawrence. 2008. “Predicting Firm Reputation Through Content Analysis of Shareholders’ Letter.” Corporate Reputation Review, 11 (4): 285-307.
  • Grant, David, Tom Keenoy ve Cliff Oswick. 2001. “Organizational discourse: Key contributions and challenges.” International Studies of Management and Organization, 31 (3): 6–24.
  • Gregory, Anne ve Paul Willis. 2013. Strategic Public Relations Leadership. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
  • Grunig, James E. ve Larissa A. Grunig. 2013. “The Relationship Between Public Relations and Marketing in Excellent Organizations: Evidence From The IABC Study.” Public Relations and Communication Management: Current Trends and Emerging Topics içinde, editörler K. Sriramesh, A, Zerfass ve J. N. Kim, 53-78. New York: Routledge.
  • Hardy, Cynthia. 2001. “Researching Organizational Discourse.” International Studies of Management & Organization, 31 (3): 25-47.
  • Hawkins, Benjamin. 2012. “Nation, Separation and Threat: An Analysis of British Media Discourses on the European Union Treaty Reform Process.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 50 (4): 561-577.
  • Heracleous, Loizos. 2006. “A Tale of Three Discourses: The Dominant, the Strategic and the Marginalized.” Journal of Management Studies, 43 (5): 1059-1087.
  • Hyland, Ken. 1998. “Exploring Corporate Rhetoric: Metadiscourse in the CEO’s Letter.” The Journal of Business Communication, 35: 224-245.
  • Illie, Cornelia. 2017. “Leaders in Times of Change: Stereotypes and Counter-Stereotypes of Leadership Discourse.” Challenging Leadership Stereotypes Through Discourse: Power, Management and Gender içinde, editörler C. Illie ve S. Schnurr, 69-94. Berlin: Springer.
  • Jonäll, Kritina ve Gunnar Rimmel. 2010. “CEO Letters as Legitimacy Builders: Coupling Text to Numbers.” Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 14 (4): 307-328.
  • Kitchen, Philip, J. ve Don E. Schultz. 2001. Raising the Corporate Umbrella: Corporate Communications in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Palgrave.
  • Mäkelä, Hannele ve Matias Laine. 2011. “A CEO with many messages: Comparing the ideological representations provided by different corporate reports.” Accounting Forum, 35 (4): 217-231.
  • Merkl-Davies, Dorias, M. ve Niamh M. Brennan. 2011. “A Conceptual Framework of Impression Management: New Insights From Psychology, Sociology and Critical Perspectives.” Accounting and Business Research, 41 (5): 415-437.
  • Merkl-Davies, Dorias, Niamh M. Brennan ve Petros Vourvachis. 2011. “Text Analysis Methodologies in Corporate Narrative Reporting Research”, 23. CSEAR Uluslararası Sosyal ve Çevresel Muhasebe Araştırmaları Kongresi bildirisi, St. Andrews, 7-9 Eylül.
  • Ngai, Cindy. S. B. ve Rita Gill Singh. 2014. “Communication with Stakeholders Through Corporate Web Sites: An Exploratory Study on the CEO Messages of Major Corporations in Greater China.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 28 (3): 352-394.
  • Paetzold, Kolja. 2010. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): An International Marketing Approach. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.
  • Paltridge, Brian. 2012. Discourse Analysis: An Introduction. New York, NY: Bloomsbury.
  • Patelli, Lorenzo ve Matteo Pedrini. 2015. Is Tone at the Top Associated with Financial Reporting Aggressiveness?. Journal of Business Ethics, 126 (1): 3-19.
  • Penrose, John, M. 2008. “Introduction to the business communication of corporate reporting.” Journal of Business Communication, 45: 91-93.
  • Point, Sebastien. 2010. “A User’s Guide for Interpreting the CEO Letter to Shareholders.” Handbook of Top Management Teams içinde, editörler F. Bournois, J. Duval-Hamel, S. Roussillon ve J.L. Scaringella, 663-673. Londra: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Prasad, Anshuman ve Raza Mir. 2002. “Digging Deep for Meaning: A Critical Hermeneutic Analysis of CEO Letters to Shareholders in the Oil Industry.” The Journal of Business Communication, 39 (1): 92-116.
  • Segars, Albert. H. ve Gary F. Kohut. 2001. “Strategic Communication Through the World Wide Web: An Empirical Model of Effectiveness in the CEO’s Letter to Shareholders.” Journal of Management Studies, 38 (4): 535-556.
  • Spicer, André ve Graham Sewell. 2010. “From National Service to Global Player: Transforming the Organizational Logic of a Public Broadcaster.” Journal of Management Studies, 47 (6): 913-943.
  • Starks, Helene ve Susan Brown Trinidad. 2007. “Choose Your Method: A Comparison of Phenomenology, Discourse Analysis, and Grounded Theory.” Qualitative Health Research, 17 (10): 1372-1380.
  • Theaker, Alison ve Heather Yaxley. 2013. The Public Relations Strategic Toolkit: An Essential Guide to Successful Public Relations Practice. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
  • Treadwell, Donald ve Jill B. Treadwell. 2004. Public Relations Writing: Principles in Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Willig, Carla. 2001. Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology. Buckingham ve Philadelphia, PA: Open University Press.
  • Yuthas, Kristi, Rodney Rogers ve Jesse F. Dillard. 2002. “Communicative Action and Corporate Annual Reports.” Journal of Business Ethics, 41 (1-2): 141-157.
  • Arçelik 2018 Faaliyet Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
  • Brand Finance. 2018. Türkiye’nin En Değerli Markalarının Yıllık Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
  • Garanti Bankası 2018 Entegre Faaliyet Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
  • Migros 2018 Faaliyet Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
  • Turkcell 2018 Faaliyet Raporu. Erişim tarihi 14 Mayıs 2019.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Özgür Kılınç 0000-0002-8697-162X

Ali Arıcı 0000-0003-4027-8288

Publication Date May 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Kılınç, Ö., & Arıcı, A. (2020). Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, 7(1), 167-194.
AMA Kılınç Ö, Arıcı A. Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. May 2020;7(1):167-194. doi:10.24955/ilef.736324
Chicago Kılınç, Özgür, and Ali Arıcı. “Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 7, no. 1 (May 2020): 167-94.
EndNote Kılınç Ö, Arıcı A (May 1, 2020) Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 7 1 167–194.
IEEE Ö. Kılınç and A. Arıcı, “Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi”, Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 167–194, 2020, doi: 10.24955/ilef.736324.
ISNAD Kılınç, Özgür - Arıcı, Ali. “Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 7/1 (May 2020), 167-194.
JAMA Kılınç Ö, Arıcı A. Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. 2020;7:167–194.
MLA Kılınç, Özgür and Ali Arıcı. “Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 1, 2020, pp. 167-94, doi:10.24955/ilef.736324.
Vancouver Kılınç Ö, Arıcı A. Yıllık Raporlarda Kurumsal Anlatı: Kurum Yöneticilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Bir Söylem Analizi. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. 2020;7(1):167-94.