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Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online ve Twitter Örneği

Year 2017, , 123 - 148, 30.05.2017


Günümüzde ana akım medya ile sosyal ağlar arasındaki ilişkiyi doğru ve sağlıklı bir biçimde anlamak 

gitgide daha büyük bir önem kazanmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu ilişkiyi en iyi ve sağlam şekilde anlayacak 

ve test edecek bilimsel yöntemlerin bilinmesi ve uygulanması da ciddi bir ihtiyaç olarak karşımıza 

çıkmaktadır. Bu noktadan hareketle kaleme alınan bu makalede, daha önce Amerika’da yapılmış 

bir araştırma model alınarak Hürriyet Online ve Twitter gündemleri arasındaki ilişkiyi anlamak 

üzere tasarlanmış, geçerliliği ve güvenilirliği test edilmiş bir çalışmanın yöntemi ve analizinin 

detayları anlatılmaktadır. Böylelikle dünyada kullanılan yöntemlerin Türkiye’de daha iyi anlaşılması 

amaçlanmaktadır. Bu yöntemlerin uygulanması kuşkusuz Türkiye’deki gündem belirleme literatürüne 

büyük katkılar sağlayacak ve bu alanda yapılan çalışmaları güçlendirecektir.       


  • 1 Bu makale yazarın Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Gazetecilik Anabilim Dalı’nda yazdığı doktora tezinin yöntemine dayanmaktadır.
  • 2 Gizem Melek, “Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Çerçevesinde Hürriyet ve Twitter Üzerine Bir Çalışma”, (yayımlanmamış doktora tezi), Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Gazetecilik Bölümü, 2015.
  • 3 Matthew James Kushin, Tweeting the issues in the age of social media? Intermedia agenda setting between the New York Times and Twitter (Pullman, WA: Washington State University, 2010).
  • 4 Maxwell E. McCombs ve Donald L. Shaw, “The Agenda-Setting Function of Mass Media,” Public Opinion Quarterly 36 (2) (1972): 176-187.
  • 5 Maxwell E. McCombs ve Donald L. Shaw, “The Evolution of Agenda-Setting Research: Twenty-Five Years in the Marketplace of Ideas,” Journal of Communication 43 (2) (1993): 58–67.
  • 6 Donald L. Shaw ve Maxwell E. McCombs, The Emergence of American Political Issues: The Agenda-Setting Function of the Press (St. Paul: West, 1977).
  • 7 Stephen D. Reese ve Lucig H. Danielian, “Intermedia influence and the drug issue: Converging on cocaine,” Communication Campaigns about Drugs: Government, Media, and the Public içinde, der. Pamela J. Shoemaker (NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989), 29-46; McCombs ve Shaw, “The Evolution,” 58-67.
  • 8 Reese ve Danielian, “Intermedia,” 29-46.
  • 9 Maxwell E. McCombs, Esteban Lopez-Escobar ve Juan Pablo Llamas, “Setting the agenda of attributes in the 1996 Spanish general election,” Journal of Communication 50 (2) (2000): 77–92.
  • 10 Marilyn Roberts, Wayne Wanta ve Tzong-Horng Dzwo, “Agenda Setting and Issue Salience Online,” Communication Research 29 (4) (2002): 452–465.
  • 11 McCombs ve Shaw, “The Agenda-Setting,” 176-187; Shaw ve McCombs, The Emergence.
  • 12 Roberts, Wanta ve Dzwo, “Agenda,” 452–465.
  • 13 Gyotae Ku, Lynda Lee Kaid, ve Michael Pfau, “The Impact of Web Site Campaigning on Traditional News Media and Public Information Processing,” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 80 (3) (2003): 528–547.
  • 14 Ku, Kaid, ve Pfau, “The Impact,” 528–547.
  • 15 Byoungkwan Lee, Karen M. Lancendorfer ve Ki Jung Lee, “Agenda-setting and the internet: The intermedia influence of internet bulletin boards on newspaper coverage of the 2000 general election in South Korea,” Asian Journal of Communication 15 (1) (2005): 57–71.
  • 16 Lee, Lancendorfer ve Lee, “Agenda-setting,” 69.
  • 17 Kevin Wallsten, “Agenda Setting and the Blogosphere: An Analysis of the Relationship between Mainstream Media and Political Blogs,” Review of Policy Research 24 (6) (2007): 567–587.
  • 18 Wallsten, “Agenda,” 567.
  • 19 Kaye D. Sweetser, Guy J. Golan ve Wayne Wanta, “Intermedia Agenda Setting in Television, Advertising, and Blogs During the 2004 Election,” Mass Communication and Society 11 (2) (2008): 197–216.
  • 20 Kushin, Tweeting.
  • 21 Kushin, Tweeting, 121-122.
  • 22 Uğur Bakan ve Gizem Melek, “First and Second Level Intermedia Agenda-Setting between International Newspapers and Twitter during the Coverage of the 266th Papal Election,” Akdeniz İletişim 26 (2016): 155-177.
  • 23 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 24 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 25 Bakan ve Melek, “First,” 155-177; Sweetser, Golan ve Wanta, “Intermedia,” 197–216; Ku, Kaid, ve Pfau, “The Impact,” 528–547; Wallsten, “Agenda,” 567–587.
  • 26 Roberts, Wanta ve Dzwo, “Agenda,” 452–465; Wallsten, “Agenda,” 567–587.
  • 27 Lee, Lancendorfer ve Lee, “Agenda-setting,” 57-71; Bakan ve Melek, “First,” 155-177.
  • 28 Leslie A. Baxter ve Earl Babbie, The basics of communication research (Australia: Thomson Wadsworth, 2004).
  • 29 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 30 McCombs, Lopez-Escobar ve Llamas, “Setting,” 77–92.
  • 31 Roberts, Wanta ve Dzwo, “Agenda,” 452–465.
  • 32 Baxter ve Babbie, The basics; Michael W. Singletary, Mass Communication Research: Contemporary Methods and Applications (White Plains, NY: Longman, 1994); Don W. Stacks ve John E. Hocking, Essentials of Communication Research (New York: HarperCollins, 1992).
  • 33 “Tiraj,” erişim tarihi 17 Ocak 2017,
  • 34 “Top 100 Followers in Turkey,” erişim tarihi 17 Ocak 2017, pages/100/turkey.
  • 35 “2013 Twitter Türkiye Profili,” erişim tarihi 24 Ağustos 2015, http://blog.monitera. com/2013/02/2013-twitter-turkiye-profili.html.
  • 36 “Yazılı Basın, Sosyal Medya Karşısında Eriyor,” erişim tarihi 3 Ocak 2015, http://www.; “Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanım Araştırması, 2014,” erişim tarihi 6 Nisan 2015, tr/
  • 37 Philip Palmgreen ve Peter Clarke, “Agenda-Setting with Local and National Issues,” Communication Research 4 (4) (1977): 435–452.
  • 38 Sarah Vieweg, “The ethics of Twitter research,” Proceedings of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work 27 (2010): 1–3.
  • 39 “Gezi Olayları ‘Twitter’a Yaradı,” erişim tarihi 6 Nisan 2015, medya/haber/901758-gezi-olaylari-twittera-yaradi.
  • 40 “Transparency Report Removal Requests,” erişim tarihi 23 Haziran 2016, https://
  • 41 “About,” erişim tarihi 5 Şubat 2015,
  • 42 Wallsten, “Agenda,” 567–587.
  • 43 Roberts, Wanta ve Dzwo, “Agenda,” 452–465; Bakan ve Melek, “First,” 155-177.
  • 44 Lee, Lancendorfer ve Lee, “Agenda-setting,” 57-71.
  • 45 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 46 “About.”
  • 47 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 48 Singletary, Mass.
  • 49 Stacks ve Hocking, Essentials.
  • 50 Stacks ve Hocking, Essentials.
  • 51 Singletary, Mass.
  • 52 Scott Wilson Dunn, “Candidate and media agenda setting in the 2005 Virginia gubernatorial election” (yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 2006.
  • 53 Dunn, “Candidate.”
  • 54 “Yoshikoder: Cross-platform multilingual content analysis. Java software version 0.6.5,” erişim tarihi 21 Kasım 2016,
  • 55 Dunn, “Candidate.”
  • 56 Dunn, “Candidate.”
  • 57 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 58 Dunn, “Candidate,” 29.
  • 59 Kushin, Tweeting.
  • 60 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 61 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 62 Richard M. Rozelle ve Donald T. Campbell, “More plausible rival hypotheses in the cross- lagged panel correlation technique,” Psychological Bulletin 71 (1) (1969): 74–80; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 63 Dunn, “Candidate;” Esteban Lopez-Escobar, Juan Pablo Llamas, Maxwell E. McCombs ve Federico Rey Lennon, “Two Levels of Agenda Setting Among Advertising and News in the 1995 Spanish Elections,” Political Communication 15 (2) (1998): 225–238; Marilyn Roberts ve Maxwell E. McCombs, “Agenda setting and political advertising: Origins of the news agenda,” Political Communication 11 (3) (1994): 249–262; Sweetser, Golan ve Wanta, “Intermedia,” 197–216; John C. Tedesco, “Issue and Strategy Agenda-Setting in the 2000 Presidential Primaries,” American Behavioral Scientist 44 (12) (2001): 2048–2067; John C. Tedesco, “Issue and Strategy Agenda Setting in the 2004 Presidential Election: exploring the candidate–journalist relationship,” Journalism Studies 6 (2) (2005): 187-201; Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya;” Bakan ve Melek, “First,” 155-177.
  • 64 William R. Shadish, Thomas D. Cook ve Donald T. Campbell, Experimental and quasi- experimental designs for generalized causal inference (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002).
  • 65 Shadish, Cook ve Campbell, Experimental.
  • 66 Shadish, Cook ve Campbell, Experimental.
  • 67 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 68 Robert Rosenthal ve Ralph L. Rosnow, Essentials of Behavioral Research: Methods and Data Analysis (Boston: McGraw Hill, 2008).
  • 69 Dunn, “Candidate;” Lopez-Escobar, vd., “Two Levels,” 225–238; Roberts ve McCombs, “Agenda,” 249–262; Tedesco, “Issue,” 2048–2067; Tedesco, “Issue,” 187-201; Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 70 Rozelle ve Campbell, “More,” 74–80.
  • 71 Roberts ve McCombs, “Agenda,” 249–262; Lopez-Escobar, vd., “Two Levels,” 225–238.
  • 72 Dunn, “Candidate;” Tedesco, “Issue,” 187-201.
  • 73 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 74 Rosenthal ve Rosnow, Essentials.
  • 75 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 76 Rosenthal ve Rosnow, Essentials.
  • 77 Kushin, Tweeting.
  • 78 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 79 Rosenthal ve Rosnow, Essentials.
  • 80 Lopez-Escobar, vd., “Two Levels,” 225–238.
  • 81 Rosenthal ve Rosnow, Essentials.
  • 82 Dunn, “Candidate.”
  • 83 Lopez-Escobar, vd., “Two Levels,” 225–238.
  • 84 Kushin, Tweeting.

A Method Implementation in the Intermedia Agenda- Setting Theory Research: The Case of Hürriyet Online and Twitter

Year 2017, , 123 - 148, 30.05.2017


Understanding the relationship between the mainstream media and social networks in a 

correct and healthy way has become increasingly important today. Therefore, knowing and 

practicing the scientific methods that will comprehend and test this relationship in the best 

and the most sound way is a serious need as well. Therefore, by borrowing a model from a 

previous research from the USA, this article describes the method of a validity and reliability-

tested work designed to understand the relationship between Hürriyet Online and Twitter 

agendas. Thus, the aim is to make the methods used across the world better understood in 

Turkey. The implementation of these methods will undoubtedly make a great contribution to 

the agenda-setting literature in Turkey and will strengthen the work done in this area.   


  • 1 Bu makale yazarın Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Gazetecilik Anabilim Dalı’nda yazdığı doktora tezinin yöntemine dayanmaktadır.
  • 2 Gizem Melek, “Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Çerçevesinde Hürriyet ve Twitter Üzerine Bir Çalışma”, (yayımlanmamış doktora tezi), Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Gazetecilik Bölümü, 2015.
  • 3 Matthew James Kushin, Tweeting the issues in the age of social media? Intermedia agenda setting between the New York Times and Twitter (Pullman, WA: Washington State University, 2010).
  • 4 Maxwell E. McCombs ve Donald L. Shaw, “The Agenda-Setting Function of Mass Media,” Public Opinion Quarterly 36 (2) (1972): 176-187.
  • 5 Maxwell E. McCombs ve Donald L. Shaw, “The Evolution of Agenda-Setting Research: Twenty-Five Years in the Marketplace of Ideas,” Journal of Communication 43 (2) (1993): 58–67.
  • 6 Donald L. Shaw ve Maxwell E. McCombs, The Emergence of American Political Issues: The Agenda-Setting Function of the Press (St. Paul: West, 1977).
  • 7 Stephen D. Reese ve Lucig H. Danielian, “Intermedia influence and the drug issue: Converging on cocaine,” Communication Campaigns about Drugs: Government, Media, and the Public içinde, der. Pamela J. Shoemaker (NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1989), 29-46; McCombs ve Shaw, “The Evolution,” 58-67.
  • 8 Reese ve Danielian, “Intermedia,” 29-46.
  • 9 Maxwell E. McCombs, Esteban Lopez-Escobar ve Juan Pablo Llamas, “Setting the agenda of attributes in the 1996 Spanish general election,” Journal of Communication 50 (2) (2000): 77–92.
  • 10 Marilyn Roberts, Wayne Wanta ve Tzong-Horng Dzwo, “Agenda Setting and Issue Salience Online,” Communication Research 29 (4) (2002): 452–465.
  • 11 McCombs ve Shaw, “The Agenda-Setting,” 176-187; Shaw ve McCombs, The Emergence.
  • 12 Roberts, Wanta ve Dzwo, “Agenda,” 452–465.
  • 13 Gyotae Ku, Lynda Lee Kaid, ve Michael Pfau, “The Impact of Web Site Campaigning on Traditional News Media and Public Information Processing,” Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 80 (3) (2003): 528–547.
  • 14 Ku, Kaid, ve Pfau, “The Impact,” 528–547.
  • 15 Byoungkwan Lee, Karen M. Lancendorfer ve Ki Jung Lee, “Agenda-setting and the internet: The intermedia influence of internet bulletin boards on newspaper coverage of the 2000 general election in South Korea,” Asian Journal of Communication 15 (1) (2005): 57–71.
  • 16 Lee, Lancendorfer ve Lee, “Agenda-setting,” 69.
  • 17 Kevin Wallsten, “Agenda Setting and the Blogosphere: An Analysis of the Relationship between Mainstream Media and Political Blogs,” Review of Policy Research 24 (6) (2007): 567–587.
  • 18 Wallsten, “Agenda,” 567.
  • 19 Kaye D. Sweetser, Guy J. Golan ve Wayne Wanta, “Intermedia Agenda Setting in Television, Advertising, and Blogs During the 2004 Election,” Mass Communication and Society 11 (2) (2008): 197–216.
  • 20 Kushin, Tweeting.
  • 21 Kushin, Tweeting, 121-122.
  • 22 Uğur Bakan ve Gizem Melek, “First and Second Level Intermedia Agenda-Setting between International Newspapers and Twitter during the Coverage of the 266th Papal Election,” Akdeniz İletişim 26 (2016): 155-177.
  • 23 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 24 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 25 Bakan ve Melek, “First,” 155-177; Sweetser, Golan ve Wanta, “Intermedia,” 197–216; Ku, Kaid, ve Pfau, “The Impact,” 528–547; Wallsten, “Agenda,” 567–587.
  • 26 Roberts, Wanta ve Dzwo, “Agenda,” 452–465; Wallsten, “Agenda,” 567–587.
  • 27 Lee, Lancendorfer ve Lee, “Agenda-setting,” 57-71; Bakan ve Melek, “First,” 155-177.
  • 28 Leslie A. Baxter ve Earl Babbie, The basics of communication research (Australia: Thomson Wadsworth, 2004).
  • 29 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 30 McCombs, Lopez-Escobar ve Llamas, “Setting,” 77–92.
  • 31 Roberts, Wanta ve Dzwo, “Agenda,” 452–465.
  • 32 Baxter ve Babbie, The basics; Michael W. Singletary, Mass Communication Research: Contemporary Methods and Applications (White Plains, NY: Longman, 1994); Don W. Stacks ve John E. Hocking, Essentials of Communication Research (New York: HarperCollins, 1992).
  • 33 “Tiraj,” erişim tarihi 17 Ocak 2017,
  • 34 “Top 100 Followers in Turkey,” erişim tarihi 17 Ocak 2017, pages/100/turkey.
  • 35 “2013 Twitter Türkiye Profili,” erişim tarihi 24 Ağustos 2015, http://blog.monitera. com/2013/02/2013-twitter-turkiye-profili.html.
  • 36 “Yazılı Basın, Sosyal Medya Karşısında Eriyor,” erişim tarihi 3 Ocak 2015, http://www.; “Hanehalkı Bilişim Teknolojileri Kullanım Araştırması, 2014,” erişim tarihi 6 Nisan 2015, tr/
  • 37 Philip Palmgreen ve Peter Clarke, “Agenda-Setting with Local and National Issues,” Communication Research 4 (4) (1977): 435–452.
  • 38 Sarah Vieweg, “The ethics of Twitter research,” Proceedings of the Computer Supported Cooperative Work 27 (2010): 1–3.
  • 39 “Gezi Olayları ‘Twitter’a Yaradı,” erişim tarihi 6 Nisan 2015, medya/haber/901758-gezi-olaylari-twittera-yaradi.
  • 40 “Transparency Report Removal Requests,” erişim tarihi 23 Haziran 2016, https://
  • 41 “About,” erişim tarihi 5 Şubat 2015,
  • 42 Wallsten, “Agenda,” 567–587.
  • 43 Roberts, Wanta ve Dzwo, “Agenda,” 452–465; Bakan ve Melek, “First,” 155-177.
  • 44 Lee, Lancendorfer ve Lee, “Agenda-setting,” 57-71.
  • 45 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 46 “About.”
  • 47 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 48 Singletary, Mass.
  • 49 Stacks ve Hocking, Essentials.
  • 50 Stacks ve Hocking, Essentials.
  • 51 Singletary, Mass.
  • 52 Scott Wilson Dunn, “Candidate and media agenda setting in the 2005 Virginia gubernatorial election” (yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, 2006.
  • 53 Dunn, “Candidate.”
  • 54 “Yoshikoder: Cross-platform multilingual content analysis. Java software version 0.6.5,” erişim tarihi 21 Kasım 2016,
  • 55 Dunn, “Candidate.”
  • 56 Dunn, “Candidate.”
  • 57 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 58 Dunn, “Candidate,” 29.
  • 59 Kushin, Tweeting.
  • 60 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 61 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 62 Richard M. Rozelle ve Donald T. Campbell, “More plausible rival hypotheses in the cross- lagged panel correlation technique,” Psychological Bulletin 71 (1) (1969): 74–80; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 63 Dunn, “Candidate;” Esteban Lopez-Escobar, Juan Pablo Llamas, Maxwell E. McCombs ve Federico Rey Lennon, “Two Levels of Agenda Setting Among Advertising and News in the 1995 Spanish Elections,” Political Communication 15 (2) (1998): 225–238; Marilyn Roberts ve Maxwell E. McCombs, “Agenda setting and political advertising: Origins of the news agenda,” Political Communication 11 (3) (1994): 249–262; Sweetser, Golan ve Wanta, “Intermedia,” 197–216; John C. Tedesco, “Issue and Strategy Agenda-Setting in the 2000 Presidential Primaries,” American Behavioral Scientist 44 (12) (2001): 2048–2067; John C. Tedesco, “Issue and Strategy Agenda Setting in the 2004 Presidential Election: exploring the candidate–journalist relationship,” Journalism Studies 6 (2) (2005): 187-201; Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya;” Bakan ve Melek, “First,” 155-177.
  • 64 William R. Shadish, Thomas D. Cook ve Donald T. Campbell, Experimental and quasi- experimental designs for generalized causal inference (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002).
  • 65 Shadish, Cook ve Campbell, Experimental.
  • 66 Shadish, Cook ve Campbell, Experimental.
  • 67 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 68 Robert Rosenthal ve Ralph L. Rosnow, Essentials of Behavioral Research: Methods and Data Analysis (Boston: McGraw Hill, 2008).
  • 69 Dunn, “Candidate;” Lopez-Escobar, vd., “Two Levels,” 225–238; Roberts ve McCombs, “Agenda,” 249–262; Tedesco, “Issue,” 2048–2067; Tedesco, “Issue,” 187-201; Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 70 Rozelle ve Campbell, “More,” 74–80.
  • 71 Roberts ve McCombs, “Agenda,” 249–262; Lopez-Escobar, vd., “Two Levels,” 225–238.
  • 72 Dunn, “Candidate;” Tedesco, “Issue,” 187-201.
  • 73 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 74 Rosenthal ve Rosnow, Essentials.
  • 75 Kushin, Tweeting; Melek, “Medya.”
  • 76 Rosenthal ve Rosnow, Essentials.
  • 77 Kushin, Tweeting.
  • 78 Melek, “Medya.”
  • 79 Rosenthal ve Rosnow, Essentials.
  • 80 Lopez-Escobar, vd., “Two Levels,” 225–238.
  • 81 Rosenthal ve Rosnow, Essentials.
  • 82 Dunn, “Candidate.”
  • 83 Lopez-Escobar, vd., “Two Levels,” 225–238.
  • 84 Kushin, Tweeting.
There are 84 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Gizem Melek

Publication Date May 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Melek, G. (2017). Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online ve Twitter Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, 4(1), 123-148.
AMA Melek G. Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online ve Twitter Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. May 2017;4(1):123-148. doi:10.24955/ilef.334957
Chicago Melek, Gizem. “Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online Ve Twitter Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 4, no. 1 (May 2017): 123-48.
EndNote Melek G (May 1, 2017) Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online ve Twitter Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 4 1 123–148.
IEEE G. Melek, “Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online ve Twitter Örneği”, Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 123–148, 2017, doi: 10.24955/ilef.334957.
ISNAD Melek, Gizem. “Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online Ve Twitter Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 4/1 (May 2017), 123-148.
JAMA Melek G. Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online ve Twitter Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. 2017;4:123–148.
MLA Melek, Gizem. “Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online Ve Twitter Örneği”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 1, 2017, pp. 123-48, doi:10.24955/ilef.334957.
Vancouver Melek G. Medya Arası Gündem Belirleme Kuramı Araştırmalarında Bir Yöntem Uygulaması: Hürriyet Online ve Twitter Örneği. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. 2017;4(1):123-48.