e-ISSN: 2667-5048
Founded: 2017
Publisher: Bartin University
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JONAS is published on behalf of Graduate School of Science of Bartın University. JONAS is a peer reviewed journal which is published twice in a year (July and December) and only published as online. Original researches and invited review papers in English and Turkish are accepted to publication in the JONAS. The manuscripts submitted to the JONAS are double-blind peer reviewed, and the review process is completed in 30 days. According to the reviewers’ comments, the submitted manuscripts are accepted or rejected. Manuscripts must be submitted with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not currently under consideration by another journal. JONAS is an open access journal, and provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Publishing in JONAS is free of charge.

Bartın University International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences should be abbreviated as JONAS.

Editorial Office

Editor in Chief Prof. Hatice Selma ÇELİKYAY                                     e-mail: scelikyay@bartin.edu.tr
Assistant Editor in Chief Assoc. Prof. Şahin PALTA                          e-mail: spalta@bartin.edu.tr
Assistant Editor in Chief Assoc. Prof. Pınar BOLLUKÇU                   e-mail: pbollukcu@bartin.edu.tr
Assistant Editor in Chief Assoc. Prof. Emrah ALTUN                         e-mail: emrahaltun@bartin.edu.tr
Assistant Editor in Chief Assoc. Prof. Parham TASLIMI                    e-mail: ptaslimi@bartin.edu.tr
Assistant Editor in Chief Asssist. Prof. Pelin KEÇECİOĞLU DAĞLI    e-mail: pkececioglu@bartin.edu.tr
Helpdesk Editorial Staffs e-mail: jonas@bartin.edu.tr

2023 - Volume: 6 Issue: 2

Research Article