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Yaratıcı Endüstriler

Year 2014, , 87 - 107, 01.12.2014


As the focus of the global economy shifts from production to services, the importance of knowledge-intensive industries has increased. In this essay creative industries, which focus on using individual creativity to flourish prosperity and develop a democratic state, is examined. The creative industries, intersecting with the widely accepted economic and business concept of innovation on the assumption that wealth could be generated by individual creativity, bear potential to contribute to the transformation of higher education in Turkey. The creative industries concept is poised to become subject to more broad and interdisciplinary discussion caused by cultural issues behind ‘creativity’ which is built on and the offer of new a kind of subjectivity that shapes the expectations of individuals. The aim of this study is to bring in different viewpoints and critics on this concept which has already started to spread through statistics, economical practices and incentives


  • AKSOY, A. ve ENLIL, Z. (2011) Kültür ekonomisi envanteri İstanbul 2010. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • ANKARA KALKINMA AJANSI (2014) Ankara bölge planı 2014-2023. Ankara.
  • BRIDGSTOCK, R. S. (2011) Skills for creative industries graduate success. Education and Training, 53, s. 9-26.
  • BRIDGSTOCK, R. S. (2013) Not a dirty word: arts entrepreneurship and higher education. Arts and humanities in higher education, 12, s.122-137.
  • CARR, J. (2009) Creative industries, creative workers and the creative economy: a review of selected recent literature. Scottish Government Social Research.
  • CASTELLS, M. (2005) Enformasyon çağı: ekonomi, toplum ve kültür-ağ toplumunun yükselişi. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • COMUNIAN, R., FAGGIAN, A. ve JEWELL, S. (2011) Winning and losing in the creative industries: an analysis of creative graduates’ career opportunities across creative disciplines. Cultural Trends, 20, s.291-308.
  • COOKE, P. N. ve LAZZERETTI, L. (2008) Creative cities, cultural clusters and local economic development, Edward Elgar.
  • CUNNINGHAM, S. (2005) Creative enterprises. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s.282-299.
  • CUNNINGHAM, S. D. (2002) From cultural to creative industries: Theory, industry, and policy implications. Media international Australia incorporating culture and policy: Quarterly Journal of Media Research and Resources, s.54-65.
  • DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE MEDIA and SPORT (2001) Creative industries mapping document. London.
  • DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE MEDIA and SPORT (2008) Creative Britain: talents for the new economy. London.
  • DEUZE, M. (2007) Convergence culture in the creative industries. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 10, s.243-263.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2010a) European competitiveness report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2010b) An integrated industrial policy for the globalization era putting competitiveness and sustainability at centre stage. Brussels: The European Economic And Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions.
  • FLEW, T. (2005) Creative economy. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative Industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s.344-360.
  • FLEW, T. (2011) The Creative industries: culture and policy. London: SAGE Publications.
  • FUCHS, C. (2012) Dallas Smythe today-the audience commodity, the digital labour debate, Marxist political economy and critical theory. Prolegomena to a digital labour theory of value. TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 10, s.692-740.
  • GARNHAM, N. (2005) From cultural to creative industries. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 11, s.15-29.
  • GARNHAM, N. ve FUCHS, C. (2014) Revisiting the political economy of communication. TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 12, 102-141.
  • GERAY, H. (2005) Birikim düzenleri, yeniden yapılanma ve küreselleşme. BAŞARAN, F. ve GERAY, H. (der.) içinde. İletişim ağlarının ekonomisi: telekomünikasyon, kitle iletişimi, yazılım ve internet. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • GIDDENS, A. (2000) The third way and its critics. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • GILL, R. ve PRATT, A. (2008) Precarity and cultural work in the social factory? immaterial labour, precariousness and cultural work. Theory, Culture & Society, 25, s.1-30.
  • GRUGULIS, I. & STOYANOVA, D. (2012) Social capital and networks in film and TV: Jobs for the Boys? Organization Studies, 33, s.1311-1331.
  • GÜRAN, M.C. ve SEÇİLMİŞ, İ.E. (2013) Ankara kültür ekonomisi sektörel büyüklüklerin değerlendirilmesi. Ankara: T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı.
  • HARDT, M. ve NEGRI, A. (2000) Empire. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • HARTLEY, J. (2005) Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • HESMONDHALGH, D. (2008) Cultural and creative industries. BENNETT, T. ve FROW, J. (der.) içinde. The SAGE handbook of cultural analysis. London: SAGE Publications.
  • HESMONDHALGH, D. (2012) The cultural industries. London: SAGE Publications.
  • HIGGS, P. L. vd. (2008) Beyond the creative industries: mapping the creative economy in the United Kingdom: NESTA.
  • HORKHEIMER, M. ve ADORNO, T. W. (2010) Aydınlanmanın diyalektiği. İstanbul: Kabalcı.
  • HOWKINS, J. (2005) The Mayor’s commission on the creative industries. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s.117-125.
  • IDRIS, K. (2003) Intellectual property: a power tool for economic growth. World Intellectual Property Organization.
  • İSTANBUL KALKINMA AJANSI (2014) İstanbul kalkınma planı. İstanbul.
  • İZMİR KALKINMA AJANSI (2013) İzmir kültür stratejisi. İzmir 2012 Kültür ekonomisi, kültür altyapısı envanteri ve İzmir kültür ekonomisi gelişme stratejisi projesi. İzmir.
  • İZMİR KALKINMA AJANSI (2014) İzmir bölge planı 2014-2023. İzmir.
  • KEANE, M. (2013) Creative industries in China: arts, design and media. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • LAZZERETTI, L. vd. (2014) Türkiye’de yaratıcı ve kültürel sektörlerin yapısı. Maliye Dergisi, s. 195-220.
  • LEADBEATER, C. (2005) Delia Smith not Adam Smith. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s. 126-132.
  • LOVINK, G. ve ROSSITER, N. (2007) Proposals for creative research introduction to the my creativity reader. LOVINK, G. ve ROSSITER, N. (der.) içinde. My creativity reader. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.
  • MCROBBIE, A. (2002) From holloway to hollywood: happiness at work in the new cultural economy? GAY, P. D. ve PRYKE, M. (der.) içinde. Cultural economy. London: Sage Publications, s. 97-115.
  • MEIKLE, G. (2005) Open publishing, open technologies. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s. 70-82.
  • MILLER, T. (2009) From creative to cultural industries. Cultural Studies, 23, s. 88-99.
  • O’CONNOR, J. (2005) Cities, culture and ‘‘transitional economies’’: developing cultural industries in St. Petersburg. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s.244-258.
  • OECD (2006) Competitive cities in the global economy. OECD Publishing.
  • EASTAWAY, M. ve MIQUEL, M.P. (2010) New economy, new governance approaches? Fostering creativity and knowledge in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region. Creative Industries Journal, 3, s. 29-46.
  • POTTS, J. D. vd. (2008) Social network markets: a new definition of the creative industries. Journal of Cultural Economics, 32, s. 166-185.
  • RAFFO, C. vd. (2000) Teaching and learning entrepreneurship for micro and small businesses in the cultural industries sector. Education & Training, 42, s. 356-365.
  • RAUNIG, G. (2011) Creative industries as mass deception. RAUNIG, G. vd. (der.) içinde. Critique of creativity: precarity, subjectivity and resistance in the ‘creative industries’. London: Mayfly, s. 191-203.
  • RAY, G. (2011) Culture industry and the administration of terror. RAUNIG, G. vd. (der.) içinde. Critique of creativity: precarity, subjectivity and resistance in the ‘creative industries’. London: Mayfly, s. 167-182.
  • REKLAMCILAR DERNEĞI (2010) Yaratıcı endüstriler girişimi vizyon çalıştayı çıktıları. İstanbul.
  • RENNIE, E. (2005) Creative world. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s. 42-54.
  • ROODHOUSE, S. (2006) The creative industries: definitions, quantification and practice. EISENBERG C. vd. (der.) içinde. Cultural industries: The British experience in international perspective. Berlin: Humboldt University, s. 13-32.
  • ROSE, N. (2001) Community, citizenship and thirdway. MEREDYTH, D. ve MINSON, J. (der.) içinde. Citizenship and cultural policy. London: Sage Publications, s. 1-7.
  • ROWLANDS, L. ve HANDY, J. (2012) An addictive environment: New Zealand film production workers’ subjective experiences of project-based labour. Human Relations, 65, s. 657-680.
  • STOREY, J. vd. (2005) Living with enterprise in an enterprise economy: Freelance and contract workers in the media. Human Relations, 58, s. 1033-1054.
  • THE SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR CREATIVE MEDIA (2011) Sector skills assessment for the creative and cultural industries. [Çevrimiçi] assets/0000/6023/Sector_Skills_Assessment_for_the_Creative_Industries_-_Skillset_ and_CCSkills_2011.pdf [Erişim tarihi: 13 Nisan 2014].
  • TUİK (2012) Dış Ticaret İstatistiği Yıllığı. Ankara: TUİK.
  • UÇKAN, Ö. (2006) Bilgi politikası ve bilgi ekonomisi: verimlilik, istihdam, büyüme ve kalkınma, Bilgi Dünyası, 7, s. 23-48.
  • UNCTAD (2010) Creative economy report 2010: creative economy : a feasible development option. Geneva: United Nations.
  • UNIVERSITIES (2010) Creating prosperity: the role of higher education in driving the UK’s creative economy. London: Universities UK.
  • WAYNE, M. (2003) Marxism and media studies: key concepts and contemporary trends. London: Pluto Press.
  • WILLIAMS, R. (1993) Kültür. Ankara: İmge.
  • YARATICI ENDÜSTRILER KONSEYI DERNEĞI (2012) Yaratıcı endüstriler konseyi derneği tüzüğü. İstanbul.

Yaratıcı Endüstriler

Year 2014, , 87 - 107, 01.12.2014


Küresel ekonominin odağı mamul madde üretiminden hizmet sektörüne kaydıkça bilgi yoğun sektörlere verilen önem artar. Bu makalede bahse konu gelişmelere koşut olarak demokratikleşme ve refahı artırmak için bireysel yaratıcılığı odağa alan Yaratıcı Endüstriler kavramı irdelenmektedir. Bireysel yaratıcılığın refah yaratacağı varsayımı üzerinden işletme yazınında ve ekonomi dünyasında yaygın kullanılan inovasyon kavramı ile kesişen Yaratıcı Endüstriler, Türkiye’de yükseköğretimi dönüştüren pratiklere doğrudan etki etme potansiyeli taşır. Bunun yanında üzerine inşa edildiği ‘yaratıcılık’ kavramının ardındaki kültürel sorunlar ve bireylerin beklentilerini şekillendiren yeni bir tür öznelliği teklif etmesi nedeniyle Yaratıcı Endüstriler çok daha geniş ve disiplinlerarası çalışmaların konusu olmaya adaydır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’de istatistikler, ekonomik pratikler ve teşvikler üzerinden yaygınlaşmaya başlayan kavram üzerine farklı bakış açılarını ve eleştirileri yazına kazandırmaktır


  • AKSOY, A. ve ENLIL, Z. (2011) Kültür ekonomisi envanteri İstanbul 2010. İstanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • ANKARA KALKINMA AJANSI (2014) Ankara bölge planı 2014-2023. Ankara.
  • BRIDGSTOCK, R. S. (2011) Skills for creative industries graduate success. Education and Training, 53, s. 9-26.
  • BRIDGSTOCK, R. S. (2013) Not a dirty word: arts entrepreneurship and higher education. Arts and humanities in higher education, 12, s.122-137.
  • CARR, J. (2009) Creative industries, creative workers and the creative economy: a review of selected recent literature. Scottish Government Social Research.
  • CASTELLS, M. (2005) Enformasyon çağı: ekonomi, toplum ve kültür-ağ toplumunun yükselişi. İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • COMUNIAN, R., FAGGIAN, A. ve JEWELL, S. (2011) Winning and losing in the creative industries: an analysis of creative graduates’ career opportunities across creative disciplines. Cultural Trends, 20, s.291-308.
  • COOKE, P. N. ve LAZZERETTI, L. (2008) Creative cities, cultural clusters and local economic development, Edward Elgar.
  • CUNNINGHAM, S. (2005) Creative enterprises. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s.282-299.
  • CUNNINGHAM, S. D. (2002) From cultural to creative industries: Theory, industry, and policy implications. Media international Australia incorporating culture and policy: Quarterly Journal of Media Research and Resources, s.54-65.
  • DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE MEDIA and SPORT (2001) Creative industries mapping document. London.
  • DEPARTMENT OF CULTURE MEDIA and SPORT (2008) Creative Britain: talents for the new economy. London.
  • DEUZE, M. (2007) Convergence culture in the creative industries. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 10, s.243-263.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2010a) European competitiveness report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2010b) An integrated industrial policy for the globalization era putting competitiveness and sustainability at centre stage. Brussels: The European Economic And Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions.
  • FLEW, T. (2005) Creative economy. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative Industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s.344-360.
  • FLEW, T. (2011) The Creative industries: culture and policy. London: SAGE Publications.
  • FUCHS, C. (2012) Dallas Smythe today-the audience commodity, the digital labour debate, Marxist political economy and critical theory. Prolegomena to a digital labour theory of value. TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 10, s.692-740.
  • GARNHAM, N. (2005) From cultural to creative industries. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 11, s.15-29.
  • GARNHAM, N. ve FUCHS, C. (2014) Revisiting the political economy of communication. TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 12, 102-141.
  • GERAY, H. (2005) Birikim düzenleri, yeniden yapılanma ve küreselleşme. BAŞARAN, F. ve GERAY, H. (der.) içinde. İletişim ağlarının ekonomisi: telekomünikasyon, kitle iletişimi, yazılım ve internet. Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • GIDDENS, A. (2000) The third way and its critics. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • GILL, R. ve PRATT, A. (2008) Precarity and cultural work in the social factory? immaterial labour, precariousness and cultural work. Theory, Culture & Society, 25, s.1-30.
  • GRUGULIS, I. & STOYANOVA, D. (2012) Social capital and networks in film and TV: Jobs for the Boys? Organization Studies, 33, s.1311-1331.
  • GÜRAN, M.C. ve SEÇİLMİŞ, İ.E. (2013) Ankara kültür ekonomisi sektörel büyüklüklerin değerlendirilmesi. Ankara: T.C Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı.
  • HARDT, M. ve NEGRI, A. (2000) Empire. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • HARTLEY, J. (2005) Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • HESMONDHALGH, D. (2008) Cultural and creative industries. BENNETT, T. ve FROW, J. (der.) içinde. The SAGE handbook of cultural analysis. London: SAGE Publications.
  • HESMONDHALGH, D. (2012) The cultural industries. London: SAGE Publications.
  • HIGGS, P. L. vd. (2008) Beyond the creative industries: mapping the creative economy in the United Kingdom: NESTA.
  • HORKHEIMER, M. ve ADORNO, T. W. (2010) Aydınlanmanın diyalektiği. İstanbul: Kabalcı.
  • HOWKINS, J. (2005) The Mayor’s commission on the creative industries. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s.117-125.
  • IDRIS, K. (2003) Intellectual property: a power tool for economic growth. World Intellectual Property Organization.
  • İSTANBUL KALKINMA AJANSI (2014) İstanbul kalkınma planı. İstanbul.
  • İZMİR KALKINMA AJANSI (2013) İzmir kültür stratejisi. İzmir 2012 Kültür ekonomisi, kültür altyapısı envanteri ve İzmir kültür ekonomisi gelişme stratejisi projesi. İzmir.
  • İZMİR KALKINMA AJANSI (2014) İzmir bölge planı 2014-2023. İzmir.
  • KEANE, M. (2013) Creative industries in China: arts, design and media. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • LAZZERETTI, L. vd. (2014) Türkiye’de yaratıcı ve kültürel sektörlerin yapısı. Maliye Dergisi, s. 195-220.
  • LEADBEATER, C. (2005) Delia Smith not Adam Smith. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s. 126-132.
  • LOVINK, G. ve ROSSITER, N. (2007) Proposals for creative research introduction to the my creativity reader. LOVINK, G. ve ROSSITER, N. (der.) içinde. My creativity reader. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.
  • MCROBBIE, A. (2002) From holloway to hollywood: happiness at work in the new cultural economy? GAY, P. D. ve PRYKE, M. (der.) içinde. Cultural economy. London: Sage Publications, s. 97-115.
  • MEIKLE, G. (2005) Open publishing, open technologies. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s. 70-82.
  • MILLER, T. (2009) From creative to cultural industries. Cultural Studies, 23, s. 88-99.
  • O’CONNOR, J. (2005) Cities, culture and ‘‘transitional economies’’: developing cultural industries in St. Petersburg. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s.244-258.
  • OECD (2006) Competitive cities in the global economy. OECD Publishing.
  • EASTAWAY, M. ve MIQUEL, M.P. (2010) New economy, new governance approaches? Fostering creativity and knowledge in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region. Creative Industries Journal, 3, s. 29-46.
  • POTTS, J. D. vd. (2008) Social network markets: a new definition of the creative industries. Journal of Cultural Economics, 32, s. 166-185.
  • RAFFO, C. vd. (2000) Teaching and learning entrepreneurship for micro and small businesses in the cultural industries sector. Education & Training, 42, s. 356-365.
  • RAUNIG, G. (2011) Creative industries as mass deception. RAUNIG, G. vd. (der.) içinde. Critique of creativity: precarity, subjectivity and resistance in the ‘creative industries’. London: Mayfly, s. 191-203.
  • RAY, G. (2011) Culture industry and the administration of terror. RAUNIG, G. vd. (der.) içinde. Critique of creativity: precarity, subjectivity and resistance in the ‘creative industries’. London: Mayfly, s. 167-182.
  • REKLAMCILAR DERNEĞI (2010) Yaratıcı endüstriler girişimi vizyon çalıştayı çıktıları. İstanbul.
  • RENNIE, E. (2005) Creative world. HARTLEY, J. (der.) içinde. Creative industries. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, s. 42-54.
  • ROODHOUSE, S. (2006) The creative industries: definitions, quantification and practice. EISENBERG C. vd. (der.) içinde. Cultural industries: The British experience in international perspective. Berlin: Humboldt University, s. 13-32.
  • ROSE, N. (2001) Community, citizenship and thirdway. MEREDYTH, D. ve MINSON, J. (der.) içinde. Citizenship and cultural policy. London: Sage Publications, s. 1-7.
  • ROWLANDS, L. ve HANDY, J. (2012) An addictive environment: New Zealand film production workers’ subjective experiences of project-based labour. Human Relations, 65, s. 657-680.
  • STOREY, J. vd. (2005) Living with enterprise in an enterprise economy: Freelance and contract workers in the media. Human Relations, 58, s. 1033-1054.
  • THE SECTOR SKILLS COUNCIL FOR CREATIVE MEDIA (2011) Sector skills assessment for the creative and cultural industries. [Çevrimiçi] assets/0000/6023/Sector_Skills_Assessment_for_the_Creative_Industries_-_Skillset_ and_CCSkills_2011.pdf [Erişim tarihi: 13 Nisan 2014].
  • TUİK (2012) Dış Ticaret İstatistiği Yıllığı. Ankara: TUİK.
  • UÇKAN, Ö. (2006) Bilgi politikası ve bilgi ekonomisi: verimlilik, istihdam, büyüme ve kalkınma, Bilgi Dünyası, 7, s. 23-48.
  • UNCTAD (2010) Creative economy report 2010: creative economy : a feasible development option. Geneva: United Nations.
  • UNIVERSITIES (2010) Creating prosperity: the role of higher education in driving the UK’s creative economy. London: Universities UK.
  • WAYNE, M. (2003) Marxism and media studies: key concepts and contemporary trends. London: Pluto Press.
  • WILLIAMS, R. (1993) Kültür. Ankara: İmge.
  • YARATICI ENDÜSTRILER KONSEYI DERNEĞI (2012) Yaratıcı endüstriler konseyi derneği tüzüğü. İstanbul.
There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Erman M. Demir

Publication Date December 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Demir, E. M. (2014). Yaratıcı Endüstriler. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, 1(2), 87-107.
AMA Demir EM. Yaratıcı Endüstriler. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. December 2014;1(2):87-107. doi:10.24955/ilef.106593
Chicago Demir, Erman M. “Yaratıcı Endüstriler”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 1, no. 2 (December 2014): 87-107.
EndNote Demir EM (December 1, 2014) Yaratıcı Endüstriler. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 1 2 87–107.
IEEE E. M. Demir, “Yaratıcı Endüstriler”, Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 87–107, 2014, doi: 10.24955/ilef.106593.
ISNAD Demir, Erman M. “Yaratıcı Endüstriler”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 1/2 (December 2014), 87-107.
JAMA Demir EM. Yaratıcı Endüstriler. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. 2014;1:87–107.
MLA Demir, Erman M. “Yaratıcı Endüstriler”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, vol. 1, no. 2, 2014, pp. 87-107, doi:10.24955/ilef.106593.
Vancouver Demir EM. Yaratıcı Endüstriler. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. 2014;1(2):87-107.

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