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The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts

Year 2021, , 149 - 178, 29.12.2021


Communicating during a pandemic is as difficult as fighting it. Social media influencers have become role models in the pandemic due to the guiding nature of social media. The aim of this study is to analyze how micro-celebrities on Instagram, one of the most preferred social networks in Turkey, carry out their COVID-19-related content and how they communicate through Instagram during the pandemic. The conceptual framework of based on “Celebrity Influence Model”, the top 10 micro-celebrities posts were examined. Results show that 68.4% of the posts are related to COVID-19; their sponsored posts were decreased; they mostly preferred a “humorous” tone in their messages, they preferred their posts as “indoors”, and the most shared topic is “lifestyle”. “Fun” is the most used value by micro-influencers. The primary role they assumed was “entertainer”. It has been observed that micro-celebrities aim to inform, warn, direct and even develop positive behavioral changes by raising awareness on issues, such as staying at home, complying with social distance rules and wearing masks.


  • Abidin, Crystal and Ots Marts. 2016. “Influencers Tell All? Unravelling Authenticity and Credibility in a Brand Scandal.” In Blurring the Lines, edited by Maria Edström, Andrew, T. Kenyon and Eva-Maria Svensson, 151-163. Göteborg: Nordicom Press.
  • Abraham, Thomas. 2011. “Lessons from The Pandemic: The Need for New Tools for Risk and Outbreak Communication.” Emerging Health Threats Journal 4 (1): 1-4. 10.3402/ ehtj.v4i0.7160.
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  • Alatas, Vivi, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Markus Mobius, Benjamin A. Olken and Cindy Paladines. 2019. “When Celebrities Speak: A Nationwide Twitter Experiment Promoting Vaccination In Indonesia.” Nber Working Paper Series, Accessed, September 3, 2021. Accessed date 3 December 2021
  • Aslan, Alev and Derya Ünlü Gül. 2016. “Instagram Fenomenleri ve Reklam İlişkisi: Instagram Fenomenlerinin Gözünden Bir Değerlendirme” Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi 3 (2): 41-65.
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  • Baltacı, Ali. 2019. “Nitel Araştırma Süreci: Nitel Bir Araştırma Nasıl Yapılır?” Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 (2): 368-388. 10.31592/aeusbed.598299.
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  • Coelho, Rita Magalhães Moreira. 2019. “The Influencer Marketing :The Impact of the Number of Followers on Influencer’s Likability for Young Instagram Users.” M.A. Thesis, The Catholic University of Portugal.
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Ünlü Etkisi Kullanımı Çerçevesinde Pandemi İletişimi: Instagram Mikro-Ünlüleri Üzerine bir İnceleme

Year 2021, , 149 - 178, 29.12.2021


Pandemi sırasında iletişim kurmak pandemi ile savaşmak kadar zordur. Sosyal medya fenomenleri sahip oldukları yol gösterici doğa sayesinde pandemide rol modeller hâline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada amaç, Türkiye’de en çok tercih edilen sosyal ağlardan biri olan Instagram’daki mikro-ünlülerin salgın döneminde COVID-19’la ilgili içeriklerini, pandemide iletişimlerini Instagram üzerinden nasıl gerçekleştirdiklerini analiz etmektir. Çalışmanın kavramsal çerçevesi, “Ünlü Etkisi Modeli” üzerinden geliştirilmiş ve Instagram üzerinde (Türkiye’de 2019 yılında etki gücü skoruna göre) ilk on sıraya yerleşmiş mikro-ünlülerin pandemi dönemindeki paylaşımları analiz edilmiştir. Bulgulara göre; mikro-ünlülerin karantina döneminde yaptıkları paylaşımların %68,4’ünün COVID-19 ile ilgili olduğu; sponsorlu gönderilerin azaldığı, pandemide kullandıkları mesaj tonunun en çok mizah olduğu; karantina döneminde paylaşılan gönderilerin çoğunun iç mekânda paylaşıldığı, en çok “hayat tarzı” ile ilgili paylaşım yapıldığı; mikro-ünlülerin bu dönemde takipçilerine en çok “eğlenme” değerini sundukları; üstlendikleri temel rolün en çok eğlendirme rolü olduğu görülmüştür. İlaveten, mikro-ünlülerin evde kalma, sosyal mesafe kurallarına uyma, maske takma gibi konularda farkındalık yaratarak takipçilerini bilgilendirmeyi, uyarmayı, yönlendirmeyi ve hatta olumlu davranış değişiklikleri geliştirmeyi amaçladıkları gözlemlenmiştir.


  • Abidin, Crystal and Ots Marts. 2016. “Influencers Tell All? Unravelling Authenticity and Credibility in a Brand Scandal.” In Blurring the Lines, edited by Maria Edström, Andrew, T. Kenyon and Eva-Maria Svensson, 151-163. Göteborg: Nordicom Press.
  • Abraham, Thomas. 2011. “Lessons from The Pandemic: The Need for New Tools for Risk and Outbreak Communication.” Emerging Health Threats Journal 4 (1): 1-4. 10.3402/ ehtj.v4i0.7160.
  • Acar, Arman. 2020. “United Ad 2020 Influencer Marketing Trendleri.” Last modified 15 January 2020. Accessed date 3 December 2021
  • Adba Analytics. 2020. “Koronavirüs Sosyal Medyaya Nasıl Yansıdı?” Last modified April 21, 2020. Accessed date 3 December 2021 Akyazı, Ayşenur. 2019. “Mahremiyetin Dönüşümü: Ünlülerin Instagram Paylaşımları Üzerine Bir Araştırma” Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences 18 (1): 197-216.
  • Alatas, Vivi, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Markus Mobius, Benjamin A. Olken and Cindy Paladines. 2019. “When Celebrities Speak: A Nationwide Twitter Experiment Promoting Vaccination In Indonesia.” Nber Working Paper Series, Accessed, September 3, 2021. Accessed date 3 December 2021
  • Aslan, Alev and Derya Ünlü Gül. 2016. “Instagram Fenomenleri ve Reklam İlişkisi: Instagram Fenomenlerinin Gözünden Bir Değerlendirme” Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi 3 (2): 41-65.
  • Austin, John Langshaw. 1962. How to Do Things with Words. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Baki, Adnan and Tuba Gökçek. 2012. "Karma Yöntem Araştırmalarına Genel Bir Bakış." Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 11(42): 1-21. ISSN: 1304-0278 / 1304-0278.
  • Baltacı, Ali. 2019. “Nitel Araştırma Süreci: Nitel Bir Araştırma Nasıl Yapılır?” Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 5 (2): 368-388. 10.31592/aeusbed.598299.
  • Ballantine, W. Paul and S. A. Brett Martin. 2005. “Forming Parasocial Relationships in Online Communities” Advances in Consumer Research (32): 197-201.
  • BCU Digital. 2021. “Micro-Influencer ve Macro Influencer Nedir?” Last modified September, 3, 2021. Accessed date 3 December 2021
  • Beck, S. Christina. 2014. “Blurring Personal Health and Public Priorities: An Analysis of Celebrity Health Narratives in the Public Sphere”. Health Communication 29 (3): 244-256. PMID: 23548050.
  • Berne-Manero, Carmen and Mercedes Marzo-Navarro. 2020. “Exploring How Influencer and Relationship Marketing Serve Corporate Sustainability” Sustainability 12 (4392): 1-19. 10.3390/su12114392.
  • Bishop, Katie. 2020. The Pandemic and The Influencer: Will the Lifestyle Survive Coronavirus?” The Guardian, May 2, 2020.
  • Boerman, C. Sophie. 2020. “The Effects of Standardized Instagram Diclosure For Micro And Meso Influencers” Computers in Human Behavior (103): 199-207.
  • Boom Social. 2021. “Instagram | Fenomenler Sektörü Hesapları.” Last modified February 4, 2021. Accessed date 3 December 2021
  • Borén, Thomas. 2020. “Governments and Social Media Influencers in Times of Crisis”, M.A. Thesis., Aalborg University.
  • Brown, J. William and Micheal D. Basil. 1995. “Media Celebrities and Public Health: Responses to 'Magic' Johnson's HIV Disclosure and Its Impact on AIDS Risk And High-Risk Behaviors. Health Communication, 7 (4): 345-370. 10.1207/s15327027hc0704_4C.
  • Brown, J. William, Micheal D. Basil and Mihai C. Bocarnea. 2003. “The Influence of Famous Athletes on Health Beliefs and Practices: Mark McGwire, Child Abuse Prevention, And Androstenedione” Journal of Health Communication, (8): 41–57. 10.1080/10810730305733.
  • Brown, J. William and Benson P. Fraser. 2004. “Celebrity Idenfication.” In Entertainment-Education: and Social Change: History, Research, and Practice, edited by Arvind Singhal, Micheal J. Cody, Everett M Rogers, Miguel Sabido, 97-111. New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Press.
  • Campaign Türkiye. 2020. “Trendyol’dan “Süper İndirim Günleri’ne Özel Reklam Filmi Serisi.” Last modified November 10, 2020. Accessed January 28 2021.
  • Cheney, George. 1983. “The Rhetoric of Identification And The Study of Organizational Communication. Quarterly Journal of Speech., 69 (2): 143–158.
  • Christodoulaki, Almperta. 2018. “The Effects of Micro vs Macro Influencers on Brand Awareness, Brand Attitude, and Purchase Intention, and the Moderating Role of Advertising Appeals.” M.A. Thesis, University of Amsterdam.
  • CNN Turk. 2020. “İşte Koronavirüse Karşı Gece Gündüz Demeden Çalışan 26 Bilim Kurulu Üyesi” Last modified March 27 2020, Accessed January 27 2021
  • Coelho, Rita Magalhães Moreira. 2019. “The Influencer Marketing :The Impact of the Number of Followers on Influencer’s Likability for Young Instagram Users.” M.A. Thesis, The Catholic University of Portugal.
  • Cretor Den, 2019. “2019 Genel Bakış”, Accessed Februrary 6, 2021.
  • Daily Sabah. 2020. “Turkey to Shut Down Social Spaces: Cafes, Theaters, Gyms Vacated Amid Virus Fears.” Last modified March 16, 2020. Accessed January 28, 2021.
  • Dhanesh, Ganga and Gaelle Duthler. 2019. “Relationship Management Through Social Media Influencers: Effects of Followers’ Awareness Of Paid Endorsement.” Public Relations Review 45 (3): 1-13.
  • Donald, Horton and Richard Wohl. 1956. “Mass Communication and Para-Social Interaction. Psychiatry: Journal for the Study of Interpersonal Processes 19(3): 215–229. 10.1080/00332747.1956.11023049
  • Ducharme, Jamie. 2020. “How to Soothe Your 'Re-Entry Anxiety' As COVID-19 Lockdowns Lift.” Time, June, 11, 2020. Elli, Diza Maria. 2017. “The Phenomenon and Rise of Influencer Marketing and How it Affects Customer Opinion and Helps or Damages Brands.” M.A. Thesis, The International Hellenic University.
  • Elmacıoğlu, Lale. 2020. “Koronavirüs Tecridi Sosyal Medya Influencerlarını Nasıl Etkiledi?” Independent Turkey, March 22, 2020.
  • Francisco, Evelina, Nadira Fardos, Aakash Bhatt and Gulhan Bizel. 2021. “Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Instagram and Influencer Marketing.” International Journal of Marketing Studies 13 (2): 20-35. 10.5539/ijms.v13n2p20
  • Fraser, P. Benson and William J. Brown. 2002. “Media, Celebrities, and Social Influence: Identification with Elvis Presley.” Mass Communication & Society 5 (2): 183–206.
  • Fuchs, Christian. 2020. “Everyday Life and Everyday Communication in Coronavirus Capitalism.” TripleC 18 (1): 375-399.
  • Gilliland, Nikki. 2020. “How the Influencer Marketing Industry Is Adapting to Coronavirus.” Econsultancy, April 2, 2020.
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There are 88 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Özlem Alikılıç 0000-0001-6311-2622

Asuman Özer 0000-0001-6597-6563

Publication Date December 29, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Alikılıç, Ö., & Özer, A. (2021). The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi(2021 Özel Sayı: 2. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Süreklilikler ve Kesintiler: Kültürler, Pazarlar ve Siyaset), 149-178.
AMA Alikılıç Ö, Özer A. The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. December 2021;(2021 Özel Sayı: 2. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Süreklilikler ve Kesintiler: Kültürler, Pazarlar ve Siyaset):149-178. doi:10.24955/ilef.1037992
Chicago Alikılıç, Özlem, and Asuman Özer. “The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, no. 2021 Özel Sayı: 2. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Süreklilikler ve Kesintiler: Kültürler, Pazarlar ve Siyaset (December 2021): 149-78.
EndNote Alikılıç Ö, Özer A (December 1, 2021) The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 2021 Özel Sayı: 2. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Süreklilikler ve Kesintiler: Kültürler, Pazarlar ve Siyaset 149–178.
IEEE Ö. Alikılıç and A. Özer, “The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts”, Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, no. 2021 Özel Sayı: 2. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Süreklilikler ve Kesintiler: Kültürler, Pazarlar ve Siyaset, pp. 149–178, December 2021, doi: 10.24955/ilef.1037992.
ISNAD Alikılıç, Özlem - Özer, Asuman. “The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi 2021 Özel Sayı: 2. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Süreklilikler ve Kesintiler: Kültürler, Pazarlar ve Siyaset (December 2021), 149-178.
JAMA Alikılıç Ö, Özer A. The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. 2021;:149–178.
MLA Alikılıç, Özlem and Asuman Özer. “The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts”. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi, no. 2021 Özel Sayı: 2. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Süreklilikler ve Kesintiler: Kültürler, Pazarlar ve Siyaset, 2021, pp. 149-78, doi:10.24955/ilef.1037992.
Vancouver Alikılıç Ö, Özer A. The Use of Celebrity Influence Model in Pandemic Communication: Examining Micro-Celebrities’ Instagram Accounts. Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi. 2021(2021 Özel Sayı: 2. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Süreklilikler ve Kesintiler: Kültürler, Pazarlar ve Siyaset):149-78.