Research Article
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Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 236 - 286, 31.05.2021


Göç olgusu sosyal bilimler alanında üzerinde en fazla durulan konulardan biri haline gelmiştir. Dünyanın farklı coğrafyalarında her geçen gün artmakta olan göçmen sayısı, özellikle gelişmiş ülkeler için önemli bir tehdit unsuruna dönüşmüştür. Çok boyutlu ve çok katmanlı bir yapıya sahip olan göç hareketleri, sosyal bilimlerin pek çok farklı disiplininin ilgi alanına girmektedir. Ekonomik, sosyolojik, psikolojik, demografik veya siyasi açılardan incelenebilecek olan göç olgusu, uluslararası ilişkiler kuramları üzerinden ele alınabilir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı da; devlet merkezli dünya görüşünü temsil eden pozitivist uluslararası ilişkiler kuramları ile birey merkezli bakış açısına sahip olan post-pozitivist kuramların, Suriye göçmenler örneğinden hareketle, karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilmesidir.


  • ARANGO, Joaguin, “Explaining Migration: A Critical View”. International Social Science Journal, 52(165), 2000, s.283-296.
  • BACCIO, Fabio, Descriptive Classifications of Migration. 2016., (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2021)
  • BAKEWELL, Oliver, “Some Reflections on Structure and Agency in Migration Theory”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10), 2010, s.1689-1708.
  • BERTI, Benedetta, “The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Regional and Human Security Implications”, Strategic Assessment, 17(4),| January 2015, s.41-53.
  • BETTS, Alexander, “International Relations and Forced Migration”, The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, E. F. Qasmiyeh, G. Loescher, K. Long and N. Sigona (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, s.60-74.
  • BORJAS, George J., “Economic Theory and International Migration”, International Migration Review, 23(3), 1989, s.457-485.
  • BOSWELL, Christina, “Addressing the causes of migratory and refugee movements: the role of the European Union”, New Issues In Refugee Research Working Paper. No. 73, The UN Refugee Agency, Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit, 2002.
  • BOURBEAU, Philippe, The Securitization of Migration: A Study of Movement and Order. Routledge, New York, 2011.
  • BRETTELL, Caroline B. and James F. Hollifield, “Introduction”, Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines. Caroline B. Brettell, James F. Hollifield (Ed.), Routledge, New York, 2015, s.1-37.
  • CHARLES, Lorraine and Kate Denman, “Syrian and Palestinian Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: the Plight of Women and Children”, Journal of International Women's Studies, 14(5), s.96-111.
  • COLLYER, M., F. Düvell and H. D. Haas, “Critical Approaches to Transit Migration”, Population, Space and Place, 18(1), 2010, s.407-414.
  • ÇAĞLAYAN, Savaş, “Göç Kuramları, Göç ve Göçmen İlişkisi”, Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(1), 2006, s.67-91.
  • FAVELL, Aadrian, “Rebooting migration theory: Interdisciplinarity, globality and postdisciplinarity in migration studies”, Migration Theory: Talking Across Disciplines. C. Brettell and J. Hollifield (Ed.). Routledge, New York, 2007, s.259-278.
  • FINDLAY, Allan M. and F.L.N. Li, “Methodological issues in researching migration.”, The Professional Geographer, 51(1), 1999, s.50-59.
  • HESS, Sabine, “De-naturalising Transit Migration. Theory and Methods of An Ethnographic Regime Analysis”, Population, Space and Place, 18(1), 2012, s.428-440.
  • HOLLIFIELD, James F., “The Politics of International Migration-How can web bring the state back in?”, Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines. C. B. Brettell and J. F. Hollifield (Ed.), Routledge, New York, 2000, s.137-187.
  •, (Erişim Tarihi: 02.03.2021)
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2021)
  • HUYSMANS, Jef, “Defining social constructivism in security studies: The normative dilemma of writing security”, Alternatives, 27, Special Issue, 2002, s.41-62.
  • HUYSMANS, Jef, “The Politics of Insecurity: Fear”, Migration and Asylum in the EU, Routledge, London, 2006.
  • INDRA, Doreen M., “Not a “Room of One’s Own” Engendering Forced Migration: Theory and Knowledge”, Engendering Forced Migration: Theory and Practice, D. M. Indra (Ed.), Berghahn Books, New York, 1999, s.1-23.
  • KOK, Pieter, “The Definition of Migration And Its Application: Making Sense of Recent South African Census And Survey”, Southern African Journal of Demography, 7(1), 1999, s.19-30.
  • KOSLOWSKI, Rey, “International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Politics: A Conceptual Framework”, International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Politics, R. Koslowski (Ed.), Routledge, New York, 2005, s.5-33.
  • KRISHNASWAMY, Revathi, “Mythologies of Migrancy: Postcolonialismì Postmodernism and the Politics of (Dis)location”, A Review of International English Literature, 26(1), 1995, s.125-146.
  • LAVENEX, Sandra “Migration and the EU's new eastern border: between realism and liberalism”, Journal of European Public Policy, 8(1), 2001, s.24-42.
  • LEVITT, Peggy and B. Nadya Jaworsky, “Transnational Migration Studies: Past Developments and Future Trends”, The Annual Review of Sociology, 33(1), 2007, s.129-156.
  • MASSEY, Douglas S., J. Arango, G. Hugo, A. Kouaouci, A. Pellegrino and J. E. Taylor, “An Evaluation of International Migration Theory: The North American Case”, Population and Development Review, 20(4), 1994, s.699-751.
  • MCAULIFFE, Marie and Binod Khadria, World Migration Report 2020, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Publication, Geneva, 2019.
  • MILLER, M. J., “International Migration in Post-Cold War International Relations”, Managing Migration: Time for a New International Regime?, B. Ghosh (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, s.27-48.
  • MITCHELL, Chrsitopher, “International Migration, International Relations and Foreign Policy”, The International Migration Review, 23(3), Special Silver Anniversary Issue: International Migration an Assessment for the 90's, 1989, s.681-708.
  • NAIL, Thomas, “Migrant Cosmopolitanism”, Public Affairs Quarterly, 29(2), Special Issue: Immigration, 2015, s.187-199.
  • OSTRAND, Nicole, “The Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Comparison of Responses by Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States”, Journal on Migration and Human Security, 3(3), 2015, s.255-279.
  • PETERSEN, William, “A General Typology of Migration”, American Sociological Review, 23(3), 1958, s.256-266.
  • POPKE, Jeff, “Latino Migration and Neoliberalism in the U.S. South: Notes Toward a Rural Cosmopolitanism”, Southeastern Geographer, 51(2), Special Issue: Carolina del Norte: Geographies of Latinization in the South, 2011, s.242-259.
  • SIRONI, Alice, C. Bauloz and M. Emmanuel, “Glossary on Migration”, International Organization for Migration Publication, Geneva, 2019.
  • SKELDON, Ronald, Migration and Development: A Global Perspective, Routledge, New York, 1997.
  • WIMALARATANA, Wijitapure and Aain Wickramasinghe, “International Migration and Migration Theories”, Social Affairs, 1(5), 2016, s.13-32.
  • VIETTI, Todd and Francesca Scribner, “Human Insecurity: Understanding International Migration from a Human Security Perspective”, Journal on Migration and Human Security, 1(1), 2013, s.17-31.
Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 236 - 286, 31.05.2021



  • ARANGO, Joaguin, “Explaining Migration: A Critical View”. International Social Science Journal, 52(165), 2000, s.283-296.
  • BACCIO, Fabio, Descriptive Classifications of Migration. 2016., (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2021)
  • BAKEWELL, Oliver, “Some Reflections on Structure and Agency in Migration Theory”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36(10), 2010, s.1689-1708.
  • BERTI, Benedetta, “The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Regional and Human Security Implications”, Strategic Assessment, 17(4),| January 2015, s.41-53.
  • BETTS, Alexander, “International Relations and Forced Migration”, The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, E. F. Qasmiyeh, G. Loescher, K. Long and N. Sigona (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014, s.60-74.
  • BORJAS, George J., “Economic Theory and International Migration”, International Migration Review, 23(3), 1989, s.457-485.
  • BOSWELL, Christina, “Addressing the causes of migratory and refugee movements: the role of the European Union”, New Issues In Refugee Research Working Paper. No. 73, The UN Refugee Agency, Evaluation and Policy Analysis Unit, 2002.
  • BOURBEAU, Philippe, The Securitization of Migration: A Study of Movement and Order. Routledge, New York, 2011.
  • BRETTELL, Caroline B. and James F. Hollifield, “Introduction”, Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines. Caroline B. Brettell, James F. Hollifield (Ed.), Routledge, New York, 2015, s.1-37.
  • CHARLES, Lorraine and Kate Denman, “Syrian and Palestinian Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: the Plight of Women and Children”, Journal of International Women's Studies, 14(5), s.96-111.
  • COLLYER, M., F. Düvell and H. D. Haas, “Critical Approaches to Transit Migration”, Population, Space and Place, 18(1), 2010, s.407-414.
  • ÇAĞLAYAN, Savaş, “Göç Kuramları, Göç ve Göçmen İlişkisi”, Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 17(1), 2006, s.67-91.
  • FAVELL, Aadrian, “Rebooting migration theory: Interdisciplinarity, globality and postdisciplinarity in migration studies”, Migration Theory: Talking Across Disciplines. C. Brettell and J. Hollifield (Ed.). Routledge, New York, 2007, s.259-278.
  • FINDLAY, Allan M. and F.L.N. Li, “Methodological issues in researching migration.”, The Professional Geographer, 51(1), 1999, s.50-59.
  • HESS, Sabine, “De-naturalising Transit Migration. Theory and Methods of An Ethnographic Regime Analysis”, Population, Space and Place, 18(1), 2012, s.428-440.
  • HOLLIFIELD, James F., “The Politics of International Migration-How can web bring the state back in?”, Migration Theory: Talking across Disciplines. C. B. Brettell and J. F. Hollifield (Ed.), Routledge, New York, 2000, s.137-187.
  •, (Erişim Tarihi: 02.03.2021)
  • (Erişim Tarihi: 04.03.2021)
  • HUYSMANS, Jef, “Defining social constructivism in security studies: The normative dilemma of writing security”, Alternatives, 27, Special Issue, 2002, s.41-62.
  • HUYSMANS, Jef, “The Politics of Insecurity: Fear”, Migration and Asylum in the EU, Routledge, London, 2006.
  • INDRA, Doreen M., “Not a “Room of One’s Own” Engendering Forced Migration: Theory and Knowledge”, Engendering Forced Migration: Theory and Practice, D. M. Indra (Ed.), Berghahn Books, New York, 1999, s.1-23.
  • KOK, Pieter, “The Definition of Migration And Its Application: Making Sense of Recent South African Census And Survey”, Southern African Journal of Demography, 7(1), 1999, s.19-30.
  • KOSLOWSKI, Rey, “International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Politics: A Conceptual Framework”, International Migration and the Globalization of Domestic Politics, R. Koslowski (Ed.), Routledge, New York, 2005, s.5-33.
  • KRISHNASWAMY, Revathi, “Mythologies of Migrancy: Postcolonialismì Postmodernism and the Politics of (Dis)location”, A Review of International English Literature, 26(1), 1995, s.125-146.
  • LAVENEX, Sandra “Migration and the EU's new eastern border: between realism and liberalism”, Journal of European Public Policy, 8(1), 2001, s.24-42.
  • LEVITT, Peggy and B. Nadya Jaworsky, “Transnational Migration Studies: Past Developments and Future Trends”, The Annual Review of Sociology, 33(1), 2007, s.129-156.
  • MASSEY, Douglas S., J. Arango, G. Hugo, A. Kouaouci, A. Pellegrino and J. E. Taylor, “An Evaluation of International Migration Theory: The North American Case”, Population and Development Review, 20(4), 1994, s.699-751.
  • MCAULIFFE, Marie and Binod Khadria, World Migration Report 2020, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Publication, Geneva, 2019.
  • MILLER, M. J., “International Migration in Post-Cold War International Relations”, Managing Migration: Time for a New International Regime?, B. Ghosh (Ed.), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000, s.27-48.
  • MITCHELL, Chrsitopher, “International Migration, International Relations and Foreign Policy”, The International Migration Review, 23(3), Special Silver Anniversary Issue: International Migration an Assessment for the 90's, 1989, s.681-708.
  • NAIL, Thomas, “Migrant Cosmopolitanism”, Public Affairs Quarterly, 29(2), Special Issue: Immigration, 2015, s.187-199.
  • OSTRAND, Nicole, “The Syrian Refugee Crisis: A Comparison of Responses by Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States”, Journal on Migration and Human Security, 3(3), 2015, s.255-279.
  • PETERSEN, William, “A General Typology of Migration”, American Sociological Review, 23(3), 1958, s.256-266.
  • POPKE, Jeff, “Latino Migration and Neoliberalism in the U.S. South: Notes Toward a Rural Cosmopolitanism”, Southeastern Geographer, 51(2), Special Issue: Carolina del Norte: Geographies of Latinization in the South, 2011, s.242-259.
  • SIRONI, Alice, C. Bauloz and M. Emmanuel, “Glossary on Migration”, International Organization for Migration Publication, Geneva, 2019.
  • SKELDON, Ronald, Migration and Development: A Global Perspective, Routledge, New York, 1997.
  • WIMALARATANA, Wijitapure and Aain Wickramasinghe, “International Migration and Migration Theories”, Social Affairs, 1(5), 2016, s.13-32.
  • VIETTI, Todd and Francesca Scribner, “Human Insecurity: Understanding International Migration from a Human Security Perspective”, Journal on Migration and Human Security, 1(1), 2013, s.17-31.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Bilal Karabulut 0000-0002-4751-6165

Publication Date May 31, 2021
Submission Date March 2, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 1


APA Karabulut, B. (2021). Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5(1), 236-286.
AMA Karabulut B. Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği. BAD. May 2021;5(1):236-286.
Chicago Karabulut, Bilal. “Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları Ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 5, no. 1 (May 2021): 236-86.
EndNote Karabulut B (May 1, 2021) Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 5 1 236–286.
IEEE B. Karabulut, “Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği”, BAD, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 236–286, 2021.
ISNAD Karabulut, Bilal. “Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları Ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi 5/1 (May 2021), 236-286.
JAMA Karabulut B. Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği. BAD. 2021;5:236–286.
MLA Karabulut, Bilal. “Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları Ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği”. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol. 5, no. 1, 2021, pp. 236-8.
Vancouver Karabulut B. Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları ve Göç Olgusunun Analizi: Suriyeli Göçmenler Örneği. BAD. 2021;5(1):236-8.